The following tutorial helps you to create new profile in WebSphere Application Server in websphere application server (WAS) standalone or deployment manager (dmgr) in linux or windows machine . You can create profile in silent mode where you are not able to access gui . Creating profile using silent mode is simple which uses a file (response file) to supply profile creation inputs / options such as port numbers , host name , node name , etc ... without user interaction . To configure the profile, change the options in the response file before you issue the profile creation command. . If you omit the response file , default options will be used to create the profile .
To create profile using default options , use the following command ,..
change to the folder
" <WAS_HOME >\bin\ProfilesCreator"
In Linux , path may be /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer /bin / ProfilesCreator
In windows , path may be C:\...\IBM/WebSphere/AppServer /bin / ProfilesCreator and run the following command
In Linux , ./ pctlinux.bin -silent
In Windows , pctWindows.exe -silent
Now the profile is created with default port numbers (9060, 9080,..) & node name, etc... You can change the port numbers in the two xml files .. serverindex.xml , virtualhosts.xml
where virtualhosts.xml file located in the folder
and serverfindex.xml file located in the folder ....
After changing the port numbers , you have to restart the WAS server.
To create profile with your own options , use the following steps
copy the existing response file located in the following paths to the new file (for eg. myProfile1.txt)
1. Product disk location (/WAS directory)
2. Installed location (app_server_root/bin/ProfileCreator directory)
Existing response files available in the above locations
with WAS Express edition
with dmgr ,
Change the response file (myProfile1.txt) with your own options such as port numbers , node name , host name , etc... and run the following command
In Linux , ./ pctlinux.bin -options myProfile1.txt -silent
In Windows , pctWindows.exe -options myProfile1.txt -silent
The minimum necessary lines in the response file with my own options are given below ... Save the below lines in a text file and run the above command
-W profilenamepanelInstallWizardBean.profileName="appSrv03"
-W profilenamepanelInstallWizardBean.isDefault="true"
-P installLocation="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer1/profiles/appServer"
-W nodehostnamepanelInstallWizardBean.nodeName="test"
-W nodehostnamepanelInstallWizardBean.hostName="your host name"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_defaulthost="9083"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_adminhost="9063"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_defaulthost_secure="9446"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_adminhost_secure="9046"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS="2812"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS="8883"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS="9404"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS="9406"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS="9405"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS="9103"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS="9356"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS="7279"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS="7289"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS="5561"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS="5581"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.winServiceQuery="true"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.accountType="localsystem"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.userName="test"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.password="test123"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.startupType="manual"
-W profiletypepanelInstallWizardBean.selection="default"
In the above lines ,
Profile name is appSrv03
profile creation location is "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer1/profiles/appServer"
WC_defaulthost="9083" - for accessing applications , default port is 9080
WC_adminhost="9063 - for accessing ibm admin console , default port is 9060 , for https (ssl) , default port is 9043
nodeName="test" - node name is test
hostName="myOwnHost" - host name is myOwnHost