For that i have writtten Java Event in Apache ofbiz. The complete code and Step i have mentioned below 1. Enter below code in Controller.xml <request-map uri="paymentRecieptReport.xls"> <security https="true" auth="true"/> <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.accounting.reports.PaymentRecieptReport" invoke="createPayementRecieptReport" /> <response name="success" type="view" value="paymentRecieptReport"/> <response name="error" type="view" value="paymentRecieptReport"/> </request-map> <view-map name="paymentRecieptReport" type="screen" page="component://accounting/widget/CommonScreens.xml#paymentRecieptReport"/> 2. Write below java code for generate .XLS file in Java event code package org.ofbiz.accounting.reports; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javolution.util.FastList; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellRangeAddress; import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc; import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator; import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue; import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition; import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList; import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr; import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator; import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil; public class PaymentRecieptReport { public static ArrayList<HashMap> getPaymentRecieptList(GenericDelegator delegator, List<GenericValue> paymentList) { ArrayList<HashMap> finalList=new ArrayList<HashMap>(); for(int i=0; i<paymentList.size(); i++) { String paymentId=""; String paymentMethodId=""; HashMap map= new HashMap(); GenericValue payment = paymentList.get(i); paymentId=payment.getString("paymentId"); paymentMethodId=payment.getString("paymentMethodId"); map.put("paymentId", payment.getString("paymentId")); map.put("effectiveDate", payment.getString("effectiveDate")); map.put("checkNumber", payment.getString("checkNumber")); map.put("checkDate", payment.getString("checkDate")); map.put("checkAmount", payment.getString("amount")); map.put("modeOfPayment", payment.getString("modeOfPayment")); map.put("paymentRefNum", payment.getString("paymentRefNum")); String partyId=""; if(payment.getString("outGoingPayment").equals("Y")) { map.put("partyId", payment.getString("partyIdTo")); partyId= payment.getString("partyIdTo"); map.put("paymentType", "OUTGOING"); } else { map.put("partyId", payment.getString("partyIdFrom")); partyId=payment.getString("partyIdFrom"); map.put("paymentType", "INCOMING"); } try { List<GenericValue> partyList=delegator.findList("PartyNameView", EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, partyId), null, null, null, false); if(partyList.size()>0) { GenericValue party=EntityUtil.getFirst(partyList); map.put("partyName", party.getString("groupName")); if(party.getString("groupName") ==null || party.getString("groupName")=="" ) { try { List<GenericValue> personList=delegator.findList("Person", EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, partyId), null, null, null, false); if(personList.size()>0) { GenericValue person=EntityUtil.getFirst(personList); map.put("partyName", person.getString("firstName")+" "+person.getString("lastName")); } } catch(Exception ex) { } } } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { List<GenericValue> tdsList=delegator.findList("TdsHistory", EntityCondition.makeCondition("paymentId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, paymentId), null, null, null, false); if(tdsList.size()>0) { GenericValue tds=EntityUtil.getFirst(tdsList); map.put("tdsSection", tds.getString("sectionOfAct")); map.put("tdsGl", tds.getString("overrideGlAccountId")); map.put("tdsAmount", tds.getString("tdsAmount")); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } String glId=""; String glName=""; try { List<GenericValue> glList=delegator.findList("PaymentMethod", EntityCondition.makeCondition("paymentMethodId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, paymentMethodId), null, null, null, false); if(glList.size()>0) { GenericValue gl=EntityUtil.getFirst(glList); glId=gl.getString("glAccountId"); map.put("glAccountId",glId); } List<GenericValue> glNameList=delegator.findList("GlAccount", EntityCondition.makeCondition("glAccountId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, glId), null, null, null, false); if(glNameList.size()>0) { GenericValue glNameValue=EntityUtil.getFirst(glNameList); glName=glNameValue.getString("accountName"); map.put("glAccountIdName",glName); map.put("accountCode", glNameValue.getString("accountCode")); map.put("glDesc", glNameValue.getString("description")); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finalList.add(map); } return finalList; } public static String createPayementRecieptReport(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { GenericDelegator delegator = (GenericDelegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); List<GenericValue> paymentList = new FastList<GenericValue>(); String fromDate=request.getParameter("fromDate"); String toDate=request.getParameter("toDate"); System.out.println("Fromdate : "+fromDate +" :"+toDate); String orgainsationParty=request.getParameter("organizationPartyId"); List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_", errors); System.out.println("coming party id "+orgainsationParty); if(orgainsationParty ==null || orgainsationParty=="") { errors.add("Please select organisation id"); return "success"; } if(!request.getParameter("fromDate").isEmpty()) { if(request.getParameter("toDate").isEmpty()) { errors.add("Please select ToDate"); return "success"; } } if(!request.getParameter("toDate").isEmpty()) { if(request.getParameter("fromDate").isEmpty()) { errors.add("Please select FromDate"); return "success"; } } String companyName=""; try { List<GenericValue> partyList=delegator.findList("PartyNameView", EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, orgainsationParty), null, null, null, false); if(partyList.size()>0) { GenericValue party=EntityUtil.getFirst(partyList); companyName= party.getString("groupName"); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } EntityExpr dateRange = null; try { EntityConditionList<EntityExpr> exprs = EntityCondition.makeCondition(UtilMisc.toList( EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyIdFrom", EntityOperator.EQUALS, orgainsationParty), EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyIdTo", EntityOperator.EQUALS, orgainsationParty)), EntityOperator.OR); if(!request.getParameter("fromDate").isEmpty() && !request.getParameter("toDate").isEmpty()){ fromDate=fromDate+" 23:59:59"; toDate=toDate+" 23:59:59"; EntityConditionList<EntityExpr> dateRangeForReport = EntityCondition.makeCondition(UtilMisc.toList( EntityCondition.makeCondition("effectiveDate", EntityOperator.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO,fromDate), EntityCondition.makeCondition("effectiveDate", EntityOperator.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO, toDate)), EntityOperator.AND); dateRange = EntityCondition.makeCondition(exprs, EntityOperator.AND, dateRangeForReport); paymentList=delegator.findList("Payment", dateRange, null, null, null, false); } else { paymentList=delegator.findList("Payment", exprs, null, null, null, false); } // paymentList=delegator.findList("Payment", exprs, null, null, null, false); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } ArrayList finalList=new ArrayList(); finalList=getPaymentRecieptList(delegator,paymentList ); System.out.println("size of payment list is "+paymentList.size()); String periodDate=""; if(!request.getParameter("fromDate").isEmpty() && !request.getParameter("toDate").isEmpty()) { periodDate= request.getParameter("fromDate").toString()+" to "+request.getParameter("toDate"); } else { periodDate =" to "; } ///////////////////////////////******************************************* // code to create a fixed excel start HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Payment Reciept Report"); HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); String fontName = "Arial"; font.setFontName(fontName); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); font.setFontHeight((short) 200); styleHeader.setFont(font); CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 6); sheet.addMergedRegion(region); CellRangeAddress region1 = new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 0, 6); sheet.addMergedRegion(region1); CellRangeAddress region2 = new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 0, 6); sheet.addMergedRegion(region2); HSSFRow companyheader = sheet.createRow(1); HSSFCell companyheaderCell = companyheader.createCell(0); HSSFCell companyheaderCell_1 = companyheader.createCell(1); companyheaderCell_1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell companyheaderCell_2 = companyheader.createCell(2); companyheaderCell_2.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell companyheaderCell_3 = companyheader.createCell(3); companyheaderCell_3.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell companyheaderCell_4 = companyheader.createCell(4); companyheaderCell_4.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell companyheaderCell_5 = companyheader.createCell(5); companyheaderCell_5.setCellStyle(styleHeader); companyheader.setHeight((short) 600); HSSFRichTextString companyheaderCode = new HSSFRichTextString(companyName); companyheaderCell.setCellValue(companyheaderCode); companyheaderCell.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFRow header = sheet.createRow(2); HSSFCell headerCell = header.createCell(0); HSSFCell headerCell_1 = header.createCell(1); headerCell_1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell headerCell_2 = header.createCell(2); headerCell_2.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell headerCell_3 = header.createCell(3); headerCell_3.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell headerCell_4 = header.createCell(4); headerCell_4.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell headerCell_5 = header.createCell(5); headerCell_5.setCellStyle(styleHeader); header.setHeight((short) 300); HSSFRichTextString headerCode = new HSSFRichTextString("Payment Register (Cash & Bank)"); headerCell.setCellValue(headerCode); headerCell.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFRow ledger = sheet.createRow(3); HSSFCell ledgerCell = ledger.createCell(0); HSSFCell ledgerCell_1 = ledger.createCell(1); ledgerCell_1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell ledgerCell_2 = ledger.createCell(2); ledgerCell_2.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell ledgerCell_3 = ledger.createCell(3); ledgerCell_3.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell ledgerCell_4 = ledger.createCell(4); ledgerCell_4.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell ledgerCell_5 = ledger.createCell(5); ledgerCell_5.setCellStyle(styleHeader); ledger.setHeight((short) 300); HSSFRichTextString ledgerCode = new HSSFRichTextString("Period :"+periodDate); ledgerCell.setCellValue(ledgerCode); ledgerCell.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFRow period = sheet.createRow(4); HSSFCell periodCell = period.createCell(0); HSSFCell periodCell_1 = ledger.createCell(1); periodCell_1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell periodCell_2 = ledger.createCell(2); periodCell_2.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell periodCell_3 = ledger.createCell(3); periodCell_3.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell periodCell_4 = ledger.createCell(4); periodCell_4.setCellStyle(styleHeader); HSSFCell periodCell_5 = ledger.createCell(5); periodCell_5.setCellStyle(styleHeader); /*period.setHeight((short) 300); HSSFRichTextString periodString = new HSSFRichTextString("To Date :"+toDate); periodCell.setCellValue(periodString); periodCell.setCellStyle(styleHeader); */ HSSFCellStyle dataStyleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont headerFont = wb.createFont(); String headerFontName = "Arial"; headerFont.setFontName(headerFontName); headerFont.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); headerFont.setFontHeight((short) 200); dataStyleHeader.setFont(headerFont); HSSFRow TableHeader = sheet.createRow(7); HSSFCell custCodeCell = TableHeader.createCell(0); HSSFRichTextString custCodeString = new HSSFRichTextString("S.NO"); custCodeCell.setCellValue(custCodeString); custCodeCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // Payment outgoing/Incoming HSSFCell paymentTypeCell = TableHeader.createCell(1); HSSFRichTextString docTypeHeaderpaymentTypeCellString = new HSSFRichTextString("Payment Type"); paymentTypeCell.setCellValue(docTypeHeaderpaymentTypeCellString); paymentTypeCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow docTypeHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell docTypeHeaderCell = TableHeader.createCell(2); HSSFRichTextString docTypeHeaderCellString = new HSSFRichTextString("Bank / Cash GL"); docTypeHeaderCell.setCellValue(docTypeHeaderCellString); docTypeHeaderCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow docNoHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell docNoHeaderCell = TableHeader.createCell(3); HSSFRichTextString docNoHeaderCellString = new HSSFRichTextString("Bank / Cash Name"); docNoHeaderCell.setCellValue(docNoHeaderCellString); docNoHeaderCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow referenceNoHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell referenceNoHeaderCell = TableHeader.createCell(4); HSSFRichTextString referenceNoHeaderString = new HSSFRichTextString("Ch No."); referenceNoHeaderCell.setCellValue(referenceNoHeaderString); referenceNoHeaderCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow referenceDateHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell referenceDateHeaderCell = TableHeader.createCell(5); HSSFRichTextString referenceDateHeaderString = new HSSFRichTextString("Ch. Date"); referenceDateHeaderCell.setCellValue(referenceDateHeaderString); referenceDateHeaderCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow departmentHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell departmentHeaderCell = TableHeader.createCell(6); HSSFRichTextString departmentHeaderString = new HSSFRichTextString("Party ID"); departmentHeaderCell.setCellValue(departmentHeaderString); departmentHeaderCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow descriptionHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell descriptionHeaderCell = TableHeader.createCell(7); HSSFRichTextString descriptionHeaderString = new HSSFRichTextString("Party Name"); descriptionHeaderCell.setCellValue(descriptionHeaderString); descriptionHeaderCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow drHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell drCell = TableHeader.createCell(8); HSSFRichTextString drString = new HSSFRichTextString("GL Code"); drCell.setCellValue(drString); drCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); // HSSFRow crHeader = sheet.createRow(12); HSSFCell crCell = TableHeader.createCell(9); HSSFRichTextString crString = new HSSFRichTextString("GL Desc"); crCell.setCellValue(crString); crCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell = TableHeader.createCell(10); HSSFRichTextString tdsString = new HSSFRichTextString("TDS Section"); tdsCell.setCellValue(tdsString); tdsCell.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell1 = TableHeader.createCell(11); HSSFRichTextString tdsString1 = new HSSFRichTextString("TDS GL"); tdsCell1.setCellValue(tdsString1); tdsCell1.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell2 = TableHeader.createCell(12); HSSFRichTextString tdsString2 = new HSSFRichTextString("Doc Date"); tdsCell2.setCellValue(tdsString2); tdsCell2.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell3 = TableHeader.createCell(13); HSSFRichTextString tdsString3 = new HSSFRichTextString("Doc Number"); tdsCell3.setCellValue(tdsString3); tdsCell3.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell4 = TableHeader.createCell(14); HSSFRichTextString tdsString4 = new HSSFRichTextString("Reference No."); tdsCell4.setCellValue(tdsString4); tdsCell4.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell5 = TableHeader.createCell(15); HSSFRichTextString tdsString5 = new HSSFRichTextString("Mode of Payment"); tdsCell5.setCellValue(tdsString5); tdsCell5.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell6 = TableHeader.createCell(16); HSSFRichTextString tdsString6 = new HSSFRichTextString("TDS Amount"); tdsCell6.setCellValue(tdsString6); tdsCell6.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell7 = TableHeader.createCell(17); HSSFRichTextString tdsString7 = new HSSFRichTextString("Cheque Amount"); tdsCell7.setCellValue(tdsString7); tdsCell7.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); /*HSSFCell tdsCell8 = TableHeader.createCell(17); HSSFRichTextString tdsString8 = new HSSFRichTextString("glDesc"); tdsCell8.setCellValue(tdsString8); tdsCell8.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader);*/ HSSFCell tdsCell9 = TableHeader.createCell(18); HSSFRichTextString tdsString9= new HSSFRichTextString("Credit / Return"); tdsCell9.setCellValue(tdsString9); tdsCell9.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); HSSFCell tdsCell10 = TableHeader.createCell(19); HSSFRichTextString tdsString10 = new HSSFRichTextString("Reconcilation Status"); tdsCell10.setCellValue(tdsString10); tdsCell10.setCellStyle(dataStyleHeader); //sheet.createFreezePane(6, 8); int sNo=1; int RowNo=8; for(int i=0; i<finalList.size(); i++) { HashMap map= (HashMap) finalList.get(i); int cell=0; HSSFRow runningHeader = sheet.createRow(RowNo); HSSFCell sNoCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString sNoString=new HSSFRichTextString(Integer.toString(sNo)); sNoCell.setCellValue(sNoString); cell++; HSSFCell paymentTypeValueCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString paymentTypeValueString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("paymentType")); paymentTypeValueCell.setCellValue(paymentTypeValueString); cell++; HSSFCell glAccountCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString glAccountString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("glAccountId")); glAccountCell.setCellValue(glAccountString); cell++; HSSFCell glAccountNameCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString glAccountNameString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("glAccountIdName")); glAccountNameCell.setCellValue(glAccountNameString); cell++; HSSFCell chNoCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString chNoString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("checkNumber")); chNoCell.setCellValue(chNoString); cell++; HSSFCell chNoDateCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString chNoDateString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("checkDate")); chNoDateCell.setCellValue(chNoDateString); cell++; HSSFCell partyIdCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString partyIdString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("partyId")); partyIdCell.setCellValue(partyIdString); cell++; HSSFCell partyNameCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString partyNameString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("partyName")); partyNameCell.setCellValue(partyNameString); cell++; HSSFCell glCodeCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString glCodeString=new HSSFRichTextString(""); glCodeCell.setCellValue(glCodeString); cell++; HSSFCell glDescCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString glDescString=new HSSFRichTextString(""); glDescCell.setCellValue(glDescString); cell++; HSSFCell tdsSectionCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString tdsSectionString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("tdsSection")); tdsSectionCell.setCellValue(tdsSectionString); cell++; HSSFCell tdsGlCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString tdsGlString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("tdsGl")); tdsGlCell.setCellValue(tdsGlString); cell++; HSSFCell docDateCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString docDateString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("effectiveDate")); docDateCell.setCellValue(docDateString); cell++; HSSFCell docNumberCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString docNumberString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("paymentId")); docNumberCell.setCellValue(docNumberString); cell++; HSSFCell refnoCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString refnoString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("paymentRefNum")); refnoCell.setCellValue(refnoString); cell++; HSSFCell modePaymentCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString modePaymentString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("modeOfPayment")); modePaymentCell.setCellValue(modePaymentString); cell++; HSSFCell tdsAmountCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString tdsAmountString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("tdsAmount")); tdsAmountCell.setCellValue(tdsAmountString); cell++; HSSFCell checkAmountCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString checkAmountString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("checkAmount")); checkAmountCell.setCellValue(Double.valueOf((String) map.get("checkAmount"))); cell++; HSSFCell descCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString descString=new HSSFRichTextString((String) map.get("desc")); descCell.setCellValue(descString); cell++; HSSFCell creditReturnCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString creditReturnString=new HSSFRichTextString(""); creditReturnCell.setCellValue(creditReturnString); cell++; HSSFCell reconsilationCell = runningHeader.createCell(cell); HSSFRichTextString reconsilationString=new HSSFRichTextString(""); reconsilationCell.setCellValue(reconsilationString); cell++; RowNo++; sNo++; } String serverPath_1 = System.getProperty("ofbiz.home"); String serverFilePath = serverPath_1 + "/applications/documents/register.xls"; FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(serverFilePath); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); // Code to save a file in document directory end // Code To download a file // Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilHttp.getParameterMap(request); String FileName = (String) request.getParameter("FileName"); FileName = "register.xls"; OutputStream os; try { os = response.getOutputStream(); String mimeType = "application/octet-stream"; response.setContentType(mimeType); String serverPath = System.getProperty("ofbiz.home"); serverPath = serverPath + "/applications/documents/" + FileName; File file = new File(serverPath); InputStream i = new FileInputStream(file); int readBytes = 0; while ((readBytes = != -1) { os.write(readBytes); } request.setAttribute("_EVENT_MESSAGE_", "File Transfered Successfully"); i.close(); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); } // creating a fixed excel end return "success"; } }
Blog provide core concept of Java , J2ee , Struts Framework, Spring, Hibernate, apache ofbiz,Hybris e-commerce suit.Net4.0 framework,Websphere Application Server (WAS), DB2, WSAD and JavaScript. Also covers Tips and Tricks , Codes , Tutorials , Solutions for Developers , latest Interview Questions & Answers
How can i generate Excel (.XLS) file in Apache ofbiz by Using Apache POI
How to achieve Pagination in Hibernate Query language (HQL) in Hibernate
In my project for achieve pagination i have used below HQL There are two methods of the Query interface for pagination. 1 Query setFirstResult(int startPosition) This method takes an integer that represents the first row in your result set,
starting with row 0. 2 Query setMaxResults(int maxResult) This method tells Hibernate to retrieve a fixed number maxResults of objects. Using above two methods together, we can construct a paging component in our web
or Swing application. Following is the example which you can extend to fetch 10
rows at a time: String hql = "FROM Employee"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(1); query.setMaxResults(10); List results = query.list();
Why use 31 as multiplier in Java String hashCode() method
In Java, the hash code for a String object is computed as
s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
using int arithmetic, where s[i] is the ith character of the string, n is the length
of the string, and ^ indicates exponentiation. According to Josua Bloch's Book Effective Java he has explianed given below The value 31 was chosen because it is an odd prime. If it were even and the multiplication
overflowed, information would be lost, as multiplication by 2 is equivalent to shifting.
advantage of using a prime is less clear, but it is traditional. A nice property of 31
is that the multiplication can be replaced by a shift and a subtraction for better
performance: 31 * i == (i << 5) - i. Modern VMs do this sort of optimization automatically.
Important point should remember about Object's hashCode and Equal method to Freahser Java developer at time of interview
The default implementation of hashCode() provided by Object is derived by mapping the memory address of the object to an integer value.
equals() and hashCode(). In general, if you override one of these methods, you must override both, as there are important relationships between them that must be maintained Java object support hashCode() allows for efficient storage and retrieval using hash-based collections. the equals() method must exhibit the following properties:
Symmetry: For two references, a and b, a.equals(b) if and only if b.equals(a)
Reflexivity: For all non-null references, a.equals(a) Transitivity: If a.equals(b) and b.equals(c), then a.equals(c) Consistency with hashCode(): Two equal objects must have the same hashCode() value
Java interview question for Apache ofbiz developer in vinculum solution pvt ltd on dated 02.05.2013
Following below java interview question that has asked by vinculum solution pvt ltd , noida for Apache ofbiz developer
Date 02.05.2013
1. Tell about your role and responsibility in your project
2. Tell how you integrate Apache ofbiz to Magento e-commerce.
3. How to validate XML file
4. Can we use Hibernate in Apache ofbiz for ORM instead for Entity model.
5. What is serialization and exterlization in java
6. How to override equals method and what importance of Hashcode .
7. About Hibernate HQL and Criteria.
8. About Struts flow.
9. How can you count number of active session in your application.
10. Forward and sendRedirect method
Date 02.05.2013
1. Tell about your role and responsibility in your project
2. Tell how you integrate Apache ofbiz to Magento e-commerce.
3. How to validate XML file
4. Can we use Hibernate in Apache ofbiz for ORM instead for Entity model.
5. What is serialization and exterlization in java
6. How to override equals method and what importance of Hashcode .
7. About Hibernate HQL and Criteria.
8. About Struts flow.
9. How can you count number of active session in your application.
10. Forward and sendRedirect method
Java Program to Find Sum of Digits in a Number using Recursion - Java Interview Question for Fresher level
Recently this question to asked was one of my reader, which inspired me to write this tutorial. There was usual check to solve this problem using both recursion and iteration. To be frank, calculating sum of digit of an integral number, is not difficult, but I have still seen quite a few programmers fumbles, even after providing hint in terms of division and modules operator. Key point here is to know how to use division and modules operator in Java. For this kind of exercise including reversing a number, where you need to find digits from a number, use division operator to remove right, and use modules operator or % to get right most digits. For example if you have number 1234 than 1234/10 will give you 123 i.e. right most digit 4 is removed, while 1234%10 will give you 4, which is the right most digit in that number. If you know this property, you can easily solve lots or problems which are related to reversing numbers e.g. checking if a number is palindrome or finding Armstrong numbers in Java.
Java program to calculate sum of digits in a number
How to find sum of digit of a number coding question in JavaHere is complete Java code example to find sum of digits using recursion in Java. This Java example, also includes an iterative solution of this problem to prepare follow-up questions from Interviewer. By the way, you can also use this example to learn Recursion in Java. It’s a tricky concept, and examples like this, certainly helps to understand and apply recursion better.
* Java program to calculate sum of digits for a number using recursion and iteration.
* Iterative solution uses while loop here.
* @author Javin Paul
public class SumOfDigit {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using recursion for number 123 is " + sumOfDigits(123));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using recursion for number 1234 is " + sumOfDigits(1234));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit from recursive function for number 321 is " + sumOfDigits(321));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit from recursive method for number 1 is " + sumOfDigits(1));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using Iteration for number 123 is " + sumOfDigitsIterative(123));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using while loop for number 1234 is " + sumOfDigitsIterative(1234));
public static int sumOfDigits(int number){
if(number/10 == 0) return number;
return number%10 + sumOfDigits(number/10);
public static int sumOfDigitsIterative(int number){
int result = 0;
while(number != 0){
result = result + number%10;
number = number/10;
return result;
Sum of digit using recursion for number 123 is 6
Sum of digit using recursion for number 1234 is 10
Sum of digit from recursive function for number 321 is 6
Sum of digit from recursive method for number 1 is 1
Sum of digit using Iteration for number 123 is 6
Sum of digit using while loop for number 1234 is 10
Java program to calculate sum of digits in a number
How to find sum of digit of a number coding question in JavaHere is complete Java code example to find sum of digits using recursion in Java. This Java example, also includes an iterative solution of this problem to prepare follow-up questions from Interviewer. By the way, you can also use this example to learn Recursion in Java. It’s a tricky concept, and examples like this, certainly helps to understand and apply recursion better.
* Java program to calculate sum of digits for a number using recursion and iteration.
* Iterative solution uses while loop here.
* @author Javin Paul
public class SumOfDigit {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using recursion for number 123 is " + sumOfDigits(123));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using recursion for number 1234 is " + sumOfDigits(1234));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit from recursive function for number 321 is " + sumOfDigits(321));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit from recursive method for number 1 is " + sumOfDigits(1));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using Iteration for number 123 is " + sumOfDigitsIterative(123));
System.out.println( "Sum of digit using while loop for number 1234 is " + sumOfDigitsIterative(1234));
public static int sumOfDigits(int number){
if(number/10 == 0) return number;
return number%10 + sumOfDigits(number/10);
public static int sumOfDigitsIterative(int number){
int result = 0;
while(number != 0){
result = result + number%10;
number = number/10;
return result;
Sum of digit using recursion for number 123 is 6
Sum of digit using recursion for number 1234 is 10
Sum of digit from recursive function for number 321 is 6
Sum of digit from recursive method for number 1 is 1
Sum of digit using Iteration for number 123 is 6
Sum of digit using while loop for number 1234 is 10
How you can validate your XML file in Java
1. For validation of your XML file first you have to define Schema (XSD) file
2. After that by using Javax.xml.validation.validator we can validate our XML file.
My XML Schema
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="">
- <xs:element name="destination" type="Destination"/>
- <xs:complexType name="Destination">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
- <xs:element name="destinationID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="shortDescription" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="longDescription" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="stateID" type="xs:string"/>
- <xs:element name="typeCode" type="xs:int"/>
- <xs:element name="countryCode" type="xs:string"/>
- <xs:element name="categories" type="xs:string"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- </xs:schema>
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <destination xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="destination.xsd">
- <name>ppp</name>
- <destinationID>PLP</destinationID>
- <shortDescription>shortDescription</shortDescription>
- <longDescription>longDescription</longDescription>
- <typeCode>ZERO</typeCode>
- <categories>categories</categories>
- </destination>
Java Code to validate XML file
- SAXSource source = new SAXSource(new InputSource(xmlFileLocation));
- SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
- Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new File("src/validate/blog/customer.xsd"));
- Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
- validator.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler());
- validator.validate(source);
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