Showing posts with label Ehcache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ehcache. Show all posts

How can implement Ehcache in Hybris multi-channel ecommerce suite ? step to implement Ehcache in Hybris

Hybris is provide caching in spilit of content called region and we can configure and add object in each region cache
In Hybris core-cache.xml is heart of caching configuration in Hybris
Suppose we need to implement a another cache region then you need to add below code in core extension spring xml file
<alias alias="cacheRegionsList" name="defaultScenarioCacheRegionList" />
  <bean name="ownProductCacheRegion" class="de.hybris.platform.regioncache.region.impl.EHCacheRegion">
     <constructor-arg name="name" value="ownCacheRegion" />
     <constructor-arg name="maxEntries" value="50000" />
     <constructor-arg name="evictionPolicy" value="LFU" />
     <property name="handledTypes">
  <bean id="defaultScenarioCacheRegionList" class="java.util.ArrayList">
                             <ref bean="typesystemCacheRegion"/>
                            <ref bean="entityCacheRegion"/>
                            <ref bean="queryCacheRegion"/>
                             <ref bean="ownProductCacheRegion"/>
   After add above code you need to access caching by using DefaultCacheController for we need to add below code to access them
 CacheController controller;

 final Collection<CacheRegion> regions = controller.getRegions();
  for (final CacheRegion region : regions)
   if (region.toString().equals("goodyearCacheRegion"))
    final Collection<CacheKey> cacheKey = region.getAllKeys();
    for (final CacheKey cach : cacheKey)
     System.out.println(" Cache Region name  " + region.getName() + " Cache key  " + cach.toString());
    final CacheStatistics stats = region.getCacheRegionStatistics();
    //    (...)