Showing posts with label PageTemplate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PageTemplate. Show all posts

Step to create PageTemplate and Page in Hybris 4.8 e-commerce suite | Hybris 4.8 Tutorial

Steps to create a PageTemplate and page [All below examples are related to Home Page].

(1)    Create  PageTemplate which will have uid , restrictedPageTypes defines for which type of pages the template can be used.[ For ex: LandingPage2Template]
(2)    Create ContentSlotName associated to the pre-defined templates and declare validComponentTypes (what type of components can be associated to this section.).
[For ex:  SiteLogo, HeaderLinks, MiniCart, NavigationBar, Section1, Section2A, Section2B, Section2C, Section3, Section4, Section5, Footer].

(3)    Create ContentSlotForTemplate. Basically this is used for common area in all pages for ex: header ,footer [For ex: SiteLogo-LandingPage2, HomepageLink-LandingPage2, NavigationBar-LandingPage2, MiniCart-LandingPage2, Footer-LandingPage2, HeaderLinks-LandingPage2]

(4)    Create Page which will have association to the PageTemplate. [Ex:homepage]

(5)    Create ContentSlot. Depedending on the requirement these ContentSlots can be associated to the ContentSlotForTemplate or contentSlotForPage. Associate the required components to these contentslots.
(6)    [For ex: Content Slot NavigationBarSlot is associated to ContentSlotForTemplate NavigationBar-LandingPage2 and ContentSlot Section4Slot-KmCAHomepage is associated to ContentSlotForpage Section4-KmCAHomepage ].


                 PageTemplate àContentSlotForTemplateàContentSlot àCMSComponent

               Content/Category Page à ContentSlotForPage à ContentSlot à  CMSComponent

(7)    Create ContentSlotForPage and associate it to contentSlot [for ex: Section4Slot-kmCAHomepage].