The Security Strategies
The web service security framework implements the strategy pattern,
allowing the user to select from a set of security strategies that
currently include:
- Access Manager Security Strategy - based upon the hMC security paradigm
- Property File Security Strategy - based upon configuration provided in a properties file
- Custom Security Strategy - allowing the user to write their own strategy
![]( | User Group for Web Services By
default the Access Manager Security Strategy is adopted, which
authorises a user only if they are in a new security group named webservicegroup. This is not set up by default, so be sure to create this group for your RESTful calls to be authorised as discussed below. |
Each strategy implements the
SecurityStrategy interface:
public interface SecurityStrategy
boolean isResourceOperationAllowed( final RestResource resource, final String operation);
boolean isResourceCommandAllowed( final RestResource resource, final String command);
boolean isDtoOperationAllowed( final Class<?> objectClass, final String operation);
boolean isAttributeOperationAllowed( final Class<?> attrObjectClass, final String attrQualifier, final String attrOperation);
However both strategies differ in implementations and intentions. To specify which strategy to adopt, modify the
securityStrategy entry in the
platformwebservices-web-spring.xml file:
< beans >
< bean id = "securityStrategy"
class = "de.hybris.platform.webservices.AccessManagerSecurityStrategy"
scope = "prototype" parent = "abstractSecurityStrategy" />
< bean id = "abstractBaseResource"
class = "de.hybris.platform.webservices.AbstractResource" abstract = "true"
scope = "prototype" >
< property name = "securityStrategy" ref = "securityStrategy" />
</ bean >
</ beans >
![]( | If you wish to disable security mechanisms for any reason, it is enough to remove securityStrategy property from the abstractBaseResource bean. |
Below we consider the various strategies, starting with the default: Access Manager Security Strategy.
Access Manager Security Strategy
The Access Manager Security Strategy is the default strategy adopted
by the hybris WebService API and uses the hMC Access Rights approach.
The Access Manager Security Strategy authorises a user only if they are in a security group named
This is not set up by default, so please be sure to create this group
as discussed below, for your RESTful calls to be accepted. The name of
this user group is configurable in file:
By default three user groups are members of this group:
- admingroup
- employeegroup
- customergroup
In RESTful communication, the mapping between the HTTP methods and CRUD operations are as follows:
HTTP method |
CRUD operation |
Read |
Create / Update |
Create / Update |
Delete |
As seen, both
POST and
PUT may refer to Create and Update operations. To determine which is meant, when a
PUT request is processed, we check if the referenced resource already exists or not. The following situations are possible:
- If the referenced resource does not exist, it is necessary to check
if the user has the right to create instances of the corresponding
- Ff the referenced resource does exist, it is necessary to check if
the user has the right to update instances of the corresponding type.
The central management of access rights to each type and its attributes is located within the hybris Management Console:
The type based web services security configuration, managed in hMC is divided into two basic steps:
- Resource (type) level security
- Attribute level security, which also contains the type level security
For resource level it is possible to set
Create and
Delete rights. For attribute level security, only the
Read and
Change rights may be set.
If a user does not have the right to a specified operation on a requested resource, the following message appears:
You do not have permission to request this resource (resource name) using HTTP_method method.
Type level security is included in attribute level security checking. If
any operation is not allowed for the specified attribute type, the user
receives the message:
You do not have permission to CRUD operation:
DTOclassName dto.
If a user has no
Read rights for a certain attribute of the
requested resource, this attribute is excluded from the response. If a
user tries to update an attribute, which he is not allowed to change,
the attribute is not modified and the HTTP status code
Forbidden (403) is sent with the message:
You do not have permission to change list_of_attributes attributes of the DTOclassName dto.
If a user has
Change right to some, but not all attributes of a
resource and tries to update all of them, none of them are updated. In
this case the user should remove not allowed attributes from the
If a user requests a resource and has
Read access to some, but
not all attributes of the requested resource, then those unavailable
attributes are not included in the XML response.
User A has all access rights.
MyLanguage resource extends
Language resource.
Type |
Attribute |
Read |
Change |
Create |
Delete |
Language |
MyLanguage |
Method |
Result |
/languages |
List of all Language instances, but without MyLanguage instances. |
/languages/de |
Details of de language. |
/mylanguages/myde |
HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute the requested operation. |
/languages/de |
If the referenced de language exists, it is updated. Otherwise it is created. |
/languages/de |
Delete de language. |
User B has only
Read right.
Type |
Attribute |
Read |
Change |
Create |
Delete |
Language |
Method |
Result |
/languages/de |
HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute the requested operation. |
/languages/de |
HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute the requested operation. |
User C is not allowed to update
Language resource.
Type |
Attribute |
Read |
Change |
Create |
Delete |
Language |
Method |
Result |
/languages/de |
If the referenced language does no exist, it is created.
If the referenced language exists, the request results in HTTP status code Forbidden (403), informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute update operation. |
User D has no rights for
Language resource.
Type |
Attribute |
Read |
Change |
Create |
Delete |
Language |
Method |
Result |
/languages |
Empty list, as user D has no Read access to language instances. |
/languages/de |
HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute the requested operation. |
/languages/de |
HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute the requested operation. |
/languages/de |
HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user does not have sufficient rights to execute the requested operation. |
User A has all rights.
User B has no rights to read or update the
name attribute.
Type |
Attribute |
Read |
Change |
Create |
Delete |
Language |
isocode |
name |
Method |
Result |
/languages/de |
Body of the request:
< language >
< isocode >de</ isocode >
</ language >
/languages/fr |
Body of the request:
< language >
< isocode >fr</ isocode >
< name >French</ name >
</ language >
Results in HTTP status code Forbidden (403) informing that the user has no rights to change the name attribute. |
Property File Security Strategy
This strategy is based on the configuration file in the platformwebservices extension. It is a resource level security strategy.
Security Access Roles
Secured resources are given by:
- key, which addresses single classes or whole packages, similar to log4j
- value, which is a group or role followed by a list of allowed HTTP methods
Leave value of this property empty or set one or more groups.
- Global options. The following settings allow specified groups access to all resources, however anonymous group may just Read them:[GET,PUT,DELETE,POST][GET]
- The following settings assign groups to specified resources:
anonymous[GET]; customergroup[GET]
anonymous[GET]; customergroup[GET]
Examples of Different Configurations
All use cases for
admingroup are presented in the simple example. Results are retrieved using
GET method.
Below different available configurations are presented:
Request |
Response |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/ |
Retrieves all catalogs |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/hwcatalog/ |
Retrieve the specified catalog. |
Request |
Response |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/ |
Retrieves all catalogs |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/hwcatalog/ |
HTTP status FORBIDDEN with the message:
You do not have permission to request this resource (CatalogResource) using GET method.. |
Request |
Response |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/ |
HTTP status FORBIDDEN with the message:
The (CatalogsResource) resource is not available for any user. |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/hwcatalog/ |
Retrieve the specified catalog. |
or any properties.
Request |
Response |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/ |
HTTP status FORBIDDEN with the message:
The (CatalogsResource) resource is not available for any user. |
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/catalogs/hwcatalog/ |
HTTP status FORBIDDEN with the message:
The (CatalogsResource) resource is not available for any user. |
Custom Security Strategy
It is possible for users to create their own security strategies by:
- Implementing the SecurityStrategy interface:
public interface SecurityStrategy
boolean isResourceOperationAllowed( final RestResource resource, final String operation);
boolean isResourceCommandAllowed( final RestResource resource, final String command);
boolean isDtoOperationAllowed( final Class<?> objectClass, final String operation);
boolean isAttributeOperationAllowed( final Class<?> attrObjectClass, final String attrQualifier, final String attrOperation);
- Registering the bean in platformwebservices-web-spring.xml:
< beans >
< bean id = "securityStrategy" class = "de.hybris.platform.webservices.CustomSecurityStrategy" scope = "prototype" parent = "abstractSecurityStrategy" />
</ beans >
Security Specific Web Services Resources
Checking credentials:
A request for a validation of the provided credentials:
If the login process is:
- Valid: Status is 200 OK
- Invalid: Status is 401 Unauthorized
Lost Password Scenario
If the property is set to enabled, only
RetrievePasswordResource is available for users who lost their passwords.
They have to access to
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/retrievepassword resource without using basic authentication.
For example,
editor user forgets his password. He uses
GET method and the following URL path:
http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/retrievepassword/editor. If the user does not have access to
PasswordQuestion and
AnswerQuestion it is not possible to retrieve password. In other cases, user can retrieve password.
GET method returns response with
Now, user uses
PUT method and the same URL path:
He places
PasswordAnswer within body request and executes request.
< passwordAnswer >YOUR ANSWER</ passwordAnswer >
</ user >
If the
PasswordAnswer is correct, user retrieves a new password in raw format. In database the password is encoded into a md5 hash.
Change Password Scenario
PUT method and the following HTTP body:
< changepassword >
< newpassword >NO EMPTY</ newpassword >
</ changepassword >
If you log in correctly, the new password is set.
Security Architecture Configuration
The following configuration files:
- web.xml
- platformwebservices-web-spring.xml
are located within the platformwebservices extension and are used to specify and wire up the security framework.
Configuration of web.xml File
< web-app >
< filter >
< filter-name >springSecurityFilterChain</ filter-name >
< filter-class >org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</ filter-class >
</ filter >
< filter-mapping >
< filter-name >springSecurityFilterChain</ filter-name >
< url-pattern >/*</ url-pattern >
</ filter-mapping >
</ web-app >
This provides a hook into the Spring Security web infrastructure.
is a Spring Framework class which delegates to a filter implementation
which is defined as a Spring bean in an application context. In this
case, the bean is named
springSecurityFilterChain, which is an
internal infrastructure bean created by the namespace to handle web
security. Note that you should not use this bean name yourself.
The next step is configuring the application context file.
Configuration of Spring File
Web security services are configured using
security elements.
< security:http >
< security:intercept-url pattern = "/**" />
< security:http-basic />
< security:logout />
< security:remember-me />
</ security:http >
< security:authentication-manager alias = "mainAuthenticationManager" >
< security:authentication-provider user-service-ref = "userDetailsService" >
< security:password-encoder ref = "hybrisPasswordValidator" >
</ security:password-encoder >
</ security:authentication-provider >
</ security:authentication-manager >
< bean id = "userDetailsService"
class = ""
scope = "prototype" >
< property name = "userService" ref = "userService" />
< property name = "modelService" ref = "modelService" />
< property name = "encryptionInfo" ref = "encryptionInfo" />
</ bean >
< bean id = "hybrisPasswordValidator"
class = "" >
< property name = "encryptionInfo" ref = "encryptionInfo" />
</ bean >
< bean id = "encryptionInfo"
class = "" />
</ beans >
- http configuration:
This element enables web security and denotes that all URLs within our
web services should be secured. The WebService API uses basic
authentication which is used to prompt for a login when a user attempts
to access a protected resource.
- authentication-provider and password-encoder:
The hybris web services framework authenticates users against hMC members. We have own implementation of Spring Security UserDetailsService,
within which by currently authenticated username it passes the user
password and granted authorities (hmc usergroups) to the password
validation procedure. Some users have encrypted password (Salted MD5)
and others not. Therefore we provide the hybrisPasswordValidator, which takes appropriate care of password comparison.