Anti-Facebook : Ello - New social network for its stand on privacy and advertising

 In a matter of days, the new social network Ello, described as the "anti-Facebook" for its stand on privacy and advertising, has become perhaps the hottest ticket on the Internet.

Created last year as a "private" social network, Ello recently opened its doors on an invitation-only basis.

Because of the limited supply and strong demand, the invitations have been selling on eBay at prices up to $500. Some reports said Ello is getting up to 35,000 requests per hour as a result of a viral surge in the past week.

Ello appears to have caught on with its simple message which seems to take aim at frustrations of Facebook users.

"Ello doesn't sell ads. Nor do we sell data about you to third parties," the company says.

Its "manifesto" states: "We believe a social network can be a tool for empowerment. Not a tool to deceive, coerce, and manipulate -- but a place to connect, create, and celebrate life. You are not a product."

Ello's policy states that the practice of collecting and selling personal data and mapping your social connections for profit "is both creepy and unethical."

"Under the guise of offering a 'free' service, users pay a high price in intrusive advertising and lack of privacy."

Based in Vermont, Ello was launched by a group of artists and programmers led by Paul Budnitz, whose previous experience include designing bicycles and robots.

Budnitz says on his page that Ello was designed to be "simple, beautiful and ad-free."

Apple iPhone6 leaked image compare with Samsung galaxy S5

Apple's much-anticipated next iPhone, expected to be called the iPhone 6, has been speculated about and leaked in images several times over the past few months. And it seems there's no stopping till the date Apple officially reveals its next-generation iPhone devices - leaks have been tipping there will be two display size variants - 4.7- or 5.5-inch.

For more info click below

Explain use of ImageMagik in Hybris e-commerce multi-channel | Hybris tutorial

About ImageMagik

ImageMagick is an open source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image files. It can read and write over 100 image file formats. ImageMagick is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Use the convert program to convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.
Eg. $magik>convert  hello.jpg hello.png
This command will convert file hello from jpg format to png format.
For more details on imageMagik refer to:
We use convert.exe file to execute the conversion from a java path using Runtime.exe or ProcessBuilder:

1.Using Runtime :
 Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/convert.exe E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/logo.jpg E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/logo.gif");


2.Using Processbuilder :
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/convert.exe", "E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/logo.jpg", "E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/logo.gif");
Process start = pb.start();

Here , "E:/ImageMagick-6.7.0-Q16/' is the location of the ImageMagik directory.Location of images can be anything.

Open Source in E-Commerce development | available open source e-commerce software in market

Definition Of Open Source Software 

Ø  Open-source e-commerce software enables the creation of all (for example, an entire Web store application) or parts (for example, a shopping cart) of a Web store. This does not include the use of open-source software used for development, Web, database or application servers commonly known as the LAMP platform.

Ø  This software has features such as shopping-cart functionality, product catalogs and other capabilities that enable store owners to set up, run and maintain online stores.

Ø  This software is available for free under a GNU General Public License; however, other fees may exist for varying types of membership.

List of Open Source E-commerce Software  


Ø  AgoraCart is a free e-commerce shopping cart software. It is an ecommerce shopping cart solution for storefront or website.

Ø  Offers a wide range of out-of-the-box features that allows online stores to be setup in simple fashion for the beginner, yet it offers high power ecommerce, flexibility, and modular features.

Ø  AgoraCart is available for free as an Open Source based e-commerce solution released under the GNU General Public License. In addition, powerful modules and script add-ons are available to those who support the AgoraCart project by purchasing "Members Only" memberships.

Ø  Originally targeting highly experienced webmasters and programmers, it has since matured to a solution that is easier to setup for beginners, powerful enough for experienced programmers, modular for flexibilty, and one that is currently powering thousands live shops around the world.

Ø  The AgoraCart Project was started in 1999 then followed by the first public release (version 3.0a) in February 2000.


Ø  osCommerce is a leading Open Source online shop e-commerce solution that is powered by a dedicated, strong, and ever growing community, and is released under the GNU General Public License.

Ø  osCommerce was started in March 2000 and has since matured to a solution that is currently powering 14,122 registered live shops around the world.

Ø  osCommerce has attracted a large growing e-commerce community that consists of over 216,800 store owners and developers who support each other and extend osCommerce Online Merchant with add-ons being contributed on a daily basis. To date there are over 5,500 add-ons that are available for free to customize osCommerce Online Merchant online stores and to help increase sales.

Ø  Today, osCommerce is moving towards an e-commerce framework solution that not only remains easy to setup and maintain, but also making it easier for store administrators to present their stores to their customers with their own unique requirements.


Ø  According to Forrester, (Varien’s) Magento is a very exciting open source eCommerce solution and — similar to SugarCRM — is typically delivered at the enterprise level through the professional services of the company that developed and launched the product, Varien. Varien is a Los Angeles-based company with significant development resources in the Ukraine.

Ø  Enterprise-level eCommerce organizations should view Magento as an opportunity to launch small-scale side projects and experiments, but for larger companies with limited eCommerce needs, it may prove to be a very attractive solution.

Ø  Product maturity, proof of the product's scalability, and further development of SIs and Varien's own professional services may place Magento as an enterprise-class solution in the future.

Zen Cart

Ø  Zen Cart is an open source online store management system. It is PHP-based, using a MySQL database and HTML components. Support is provided for several languages and currencies, and it is freely available under the GNU General Public License.

Ø  Zen Cart branched from osCommerce as a separate project. Beyond some aesthetic changes, the major differences between the two systems come from Zen Cart's architectural changes(e.g. a template system) and additional included features in the core.

Ø  Among the modules already included are a Gift Certificate/Voucher module which allows to create, send and manage the digital coupons. A module to sell downloads(pdf or other media files) is included as well.

Ø  Although Zencart improved the shop management and administration with the template system, still it suffers from the fact that editing core files for customizing is often required (no real modular structure). Therefore, in case of heavy customizing, the software is cumbersome to maintain and update.

Apache OFBiz

Ø  The Apache Open For Business Project is an open source enterprise automation software project licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. By open source enterprise automation, it means: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on.

Ø  Apache OFBiz is a foundation and starting point for enterprise solutions, be they for one organization or one million.


Ø  VirtueMart is an Open Source E-Commerce solution to be used together with a Content Management System (CMS) called Joomla! (and Mambo). Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made easy for use in a PHP/MySQL environment.

Ø  VirtueMart is the leading Online-Shop solution for Joomla! & Mambo (more than 1.5 Million downloads so far).

Notable Features

Ø  Stock Level Control for Products and Item
Ø  Ajax-powered Product Overview allows to quickly add Products to the cart
Ø  Product Attributes (like Size or Color) can be added to Product
Ø  Manage different Currencies, Countries & States
Ø  Product Availability: show how fast a Customer can expect delivery


Ø  An ASP.NET Open Source e-Commerce Application.

Ø  dashCommerce is flexible and robust product that incorporates all three major components of an e-commerce application - Product Catalog, Shopping Cart and Order Fulfillment.

Ø provides dedicated dashCommerce hosting and enables getting the web store up-and-running quickly.


Ø  Free & commercial PHP & MySQL eCommerce shopping cart software used by over a million stores worldwide.

Ø  CubeCart is an "out of the box" ecommerce shopping cart software solution which has been written to run on servers that have PHP & MySQL support.

Ø  CubeCart enables setting up quickly a powerful online store which can be used to sell digital or tangible products to new and existing customers all over the world.

Ø  It is easy to modify the look and feel of your store to match the company's branding or to site comfortably beside the existing website due to CubeCart's powerful HTML template system.

Hybris core developer V5 certification exam dumps questions and exam pattern


Hybris core developer V5 certification is latest version of hybris core developer certification
conducted by Hybris academy. This Exam is designed to test a software developer's ability to use and extend
the hybris core plateform

Exam Pattern :

The hybris core Developer Certification Exam covers the fundamentals of using the hybris core platform, To pass the exam, software developers will be expected to have a good grounding in all of the technologies used in the hybris platform, as well as the core functionality provided by the hybris API's. This means that as well as a good knowledge of Java, OO Design, SQL Databases and Spring, the developer will need to demonstrate adequate knowledge of hybris concepts such as importing and exporting with ImpEx, using the FlexibleSearch, Cronjobs, the Services layer, the Webservice API, Dynamic attributes, the new Cockpit NG framework, hybris beans generation as well as being able to extend, build, deploy and trouble-shoot the core platform.

You are allowed two attempts to pass the exam. If you require more than 2 attempts you will need to re-register and pay the full fee which will allow you another 2 attempts.

Question will have multiple-choice

For get this  Please mail to:

Steps to create webstore or online website using Hybris e-commerce multi-channel suite

If you are very new to Hybris e-commerce then follow below steps to create a own webstore or online website
1. Download any version of Hybris suite like Hybris 4.8
2. After download go to CMD and go to Installed directory
  like c:/hybris/bin/plateform
3. set ant
Hybris provides a full fledge running webstore through accelarator extension so we only need to create accelarator type own extension
and we can customized this accordingly our requirements
so for that we need to type
ant modulegen command
after hit enter it will create six extension in our custom folder
Now you can customized it accordingly
in above extension all UI related file and controller will in ownWebstorestorefront
and your default webstore url will

How can implement Ehcache in Hybris multi-channel ecommerce suite ? step to implement Ehcache in Hybris

Hybris is provide caching in spilit of content called region and we can configure and add object in each region cache
In Hybris core-cache.xml is heart of caching configuration in Hybris
Suppose we need to implement a another cache region then you need to add below code in core extension spring xml file
<alias alias="cacheRegionsList" name="defaultScenarioCacheRegionList" />
  <bean name="ownProductCacheRegion" class="de.hybris.platform.regioncache.region.impl.EHCacheRegion">
     <constructor-arg name="name" value="ownCacheRegion" />
     <constructor-arg name="maxEntries" value="50000" />
     <constructor-arg name="evictionPolicy" value="LFU" />
     <property name="handledTypes">
  <bean id="defaultScenarioCacheRegionList" class="java.util.ArrayList">
                             <ref bean="typesystemCacheRegion"/>
                            <ref bean="entityCacheRegion"/>
                            <ref bean="queryCacheRegion"/>
                             <ref bean="ownProductCacheRegion"/>
   After add above code you need to access caching by using DefaultCacheController for we need to add below code to access them
 CacheController controller;

 final Collection<CacheRegion> regions = controller.getRegions();
  for (final CacheRegion region : regions)
   if (region.toString().equals("goodyearCacheRegion"))
    final Collection<CacheKey> cacheKey = region.getAllKeys();
    for (final CacheKey cach : cacheKey)
     System.out.println(" Cache Region name  " + region.getName() + " Cache key  " + cach.toString());
    final CacheStatistics stats = region.getCacheRegionStatistics();
    //    (...)